Peer Review Policy

The journal aims at publishing quality research to ensure publication of scientific ideas. Peer review process is taken care of at different levels.

The Peer Review process followed by the journal is given below:

Stage I. Editor Desk: The editors evaluate all manuscripts to check their viability for publication. The manuscript that are either not in line with the journal’s aims and scope or are poorly written manuscripts in terms of structure or language, improper scientific tools etc. are rejected at this stage. The manuscript is then sent for peer review to at least two out of three experts.
Stage II. Selection of Reviewers: The reviewers are then selected on the basis of their expertise in the area of manuscript.
Stage III. Double Blind Review: The manuscript shortlisted at editor desk is sent to the reviewers without revealing their identity to authors; similarly, reviewers are also unaware of names of contributors.
Stage IV. Reviewer Report: Reviewers are asked to evaluate and send their reports on the Relevance, adequacy, objectives and appropriateness of methodology, significance of findings, addition to practice and theory.
Stage V. Informing Authors: The reviewer’s reports are communicated to the authors both in case of rejection or revisions required.
Stage VI. Final Decision: After initial revision manuscript can be sent for further review, based upon initial reviewer’s recommendation. The decision of editors will be final.
Time Taken for Review: The review process takes 2 to 6 weeks to evaluate the manuscript. In case of delay by reviewer or if the reports contradict among reviewers, third expert will be contacted to evaluate the manuscript.